Many people have an issue with their anger and seek help to resolve their anger issues. It can be said that anger has a negative impact on their lives and sometime there is a heavy price to pay.
Anger seems to arise automatically from within the person and then there is the sense that they were out of control. No one enjoys the feeling of losing control and so the person may feel bad and insecure.
Anger is a range of emotions dictating a conflict between two or more persons, even if you are both people e.g.; "I am mad with myself". Anger can vary from frustration and irritation to being enraged.
What is the meaning or message of anger? What is the unconscious mind trying to communicate? - The message is - that someone has broken or violated a rule that is held in your unconscious mind.
This part of your unconscious then feels personally abused, that something unfair has happened, that an injustice has occurred and it feels powerless to stop it. In this moment there is a temporary inner sensation of helplessness and vulnerability. When this happens you are instantly recapturing the feelings you felt when you experienced a helpless and powerless situation in childhood.
How to free yourself from this unpleasant emotion?
1. Realize everybody has different rules and place varying amounts of importance to them.
2. When you feel anger rising, ask yourself "Which one of my rules is being broken?"
3. Ask yourself "Is this rule important in this situation? Does it really matter?" If it does, then state your position, which sets clear boundaries. E.g.: Someone has told a lie and your rule is 'to be honest', if it is an insignificant lie, you might decide it doesn't matter, anyway the lie belongs to them. If you feel it is important, then you can say to them "I like being honest". Both ways diffuses the anger because you do not feel threatened or powerless.
4. Spend some quiet time writing out all the rules you think you may hold, regardless how silly some might seem. Then ask yourself "did I have a choice in accepting these rules (realize internal rules are enforced upon us by our childhood environment) or were they thrusted on me.
5. Write another list, this list to be rules you choose to have.
Doing the above will help you to discover more about yourself and help to free you from anger and the frustration that follows on from anger.
Would you like Live longer and be Cancer Free? Read ‘The 5 Step Cancer Healing Process’
at How to Heal CancerPhilip Martin is a Naturopath, Hypnotherapist and Author of “Life Patterns, the Secret to Emotional Freedom” and “The 5 Step Cancer Healing Process, a clear and defined pathway”. He is a gifted therapist based on the Sunshine Coast Qld. Australia.
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