Thursday, 2 February 2012

"I Can'

Being happy with yourself – “I can”

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” -- Alvin Toffler

What can I do? This is an important question to ask when one wants to overcome a problem, and being sad and unhappy is a problem for it interferes with the smooth functioning of the body and the appreciation of the life experience. Being sad or unhappy occasionally as a result of certain effects is understandable and desirable. But many are unhappy with themselves and so unhappiness is a continual undercurrent of their life.

So "What can I do?" is asked in relation to the perceived problem. How do you perceive the problem? The first step in finding a solution to a problem is to fully understand and articulate the ‘problem’. Many assume they know what the problem is and yet are actually unaware of the real problem. So the real solution will not be found. You may be unhappy, sad depressed, these are effects or symptoms and though they create additional problems, they are not the problem.

If you are happy with yourself then you will not have these problems. Though this is true, the wrong assumption of finding, trying or know how to be happy will provide happiness and therefore problem solved. Most of the how to be happy techniques only have a temporary effect as they do not address the underlying problem. So without a clear understanding of the problem, when you ask “What can I do?” you become deflated and feel vulnerable, for you probably assume that you can do very little.
This is a huge mistake and a lie. Feeling that you can do little or nothing, you then put your life in the hands of the experts, whoever that may be. It may seem logical to trust these people, but putting your life in the hands of anyone, has the unconscious meaning that you have no control over your life and living. This is detrimental to the healing process. You truly become a victim of your unhappiness rather than master of your health, life and living.

Seeking expert help is extremely beneficial and should be sought, but make sure you are in control. You are enlisting their help and assistance. They are not there to ‘fix’ you, you are there to learn something valuable to use in your life. You are using them to empower yourself. When you ask the question "What can I do?" Answer, "I will be happy with myself", "I will love myself", "I will be healthy" or use “I can” instead of “I will”. “I will” has a commitment applied and is therefore stronger and leads into the future. Though if this doesn't feel true, then use "I can", this accepts the possibility that you or anybody can be happy with themselves. Realize that "I can" or "I will" is more important than knowing how! Don't fall into the trap of thinking that you have to know how. The how will Always appear once you accept "I will".

Knowing and committing to a goal is a prerequisite to knowing how. Once you accept that you will be healthy (or achieve any goal) the creative unconscious mind will create or discover the how to. Become an ‘I can’ person, overcoming obstacles, no matter how difficult, makes you a stronger person. In reality, nothing is too hard or difficult once you admit ‘I can’. When you state ‘I can’ you unleash unconscious potentials, that you most likely were not aware of. You have exactly the right amount of potential and capacity to achieve health and freedom from cancer, within you, this is a fact. ‘I can’ is a gateway to that potential. Try it out! Next i will write about articulating the underling problem.


Recommended Reading
Life Patterns the Secret to Emotional Freedom

Posted by Healing Cancer

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