Thoughts are truly amazing things and yet we are so used to them, that we do not give them the consideration that they are worth. Why are they amazing? Well for one thing they are the most powerful thing in the universe! WOW what a statement. A thought: just a wisp of an idea. It is nothing really is it? Just thin air. And yet nothing is produced without a thought being thought first. The chair you are sitting on was first thought of. If you think about it, if there are no thoughts there would be no life, even trees think, in their tree like way, they struggle to survive and they use their information. If you never have another thought, what would it be like? Hard to comprehend isn't? Thoughts are the primal source of power in the world.
The amazing thing about thoughts is that you create them, out of thin air, with just little fragments of knowledge. You coalesce and congeal these fragments of information into a single thought and then maybe into a train of thoughts, very amazing. These thoughts that you think then have a result, an effect on your life. The thoughts so to speak become a part of your reality; they make up your experience of life.
Our life experience is the mirror of our perceptions
Your view of the world and your experience of the world is a reflection of your thoughts. Your thoughts create your reality, and you create your thoughts. Nobody else creates your unique thoughts, nobody! Just you. This is an inescapable fact that you have to come to terms with, and take responsibility for, or, you can deny you are the creator of your thoughts and hide from your responsibility. The choice is yours and yours alone.
You create at least 50,000 thoughts a day. These thoughts make your tomorrow. What you think is what you get and your thoughts create an emotional effect, if you think sad thoughts - you will feel sad. If you think happy thoughts - you will feel happy. It works the other way too. If you feel sad you will most likely have sad thoughts, if you feel happy you will most likely have happy thoughts. Are you caught up in the acceptable (to the majority) social epidemic of creating negative and depressing thoughts? Evaluate the thoughts you have in a day. What do they say about your world? Do your thoughts create a wonderful world for you? Or do you believe the world is responsible for your feelings.
If we are brave and take control of our thoughts and treat the ability to create this most powerful of forces, with the respect it deserves, we will create the thoughts that are in harmony with what we want in our life. And our life experience will then reflect those thoughts. In this way you will create the life you want. We are that powerful! We are that magnificent! Whether you want to believe that or not. It is true.
How would your day be, if you wiped the slate clean and purposely chose what thoughts you would put in your mind for that day? If you did this for just one day, what effect would it have on that day, what effect would it have for the rest of your life? Just to choose what thoughts you would create on a particular day. Imagine the power of 50,000 plus wisely chosen thoughts occurring in you in one day.
Imagine if after that day, your thoughts in the following week were similar to that one day, so for that week you had the power of over 350,000 powerful acts of creation. What could you do with 350,000 thoughts? What would you do? What would you create?
We are trained not to think for ourselves, we are trained and taught to think of what others deem right or just. We are trained to be sheep. We are trained to feel safe in numbers and be accepted when we think alike. We are trained to feel afraid and rejected, if we think for ourselves and to be discerning. Imagine if we were taught the beauty of thinking for ourselves, of what thoughts to think. We would end up trusting ourselves, being in control of ourselves, being happy with ourselves, being responsible for ourselves, being able to rely on ourselves, we would feel safe, capable, and joyous. We would love living.
If each waking hour on the hour, you purposely chose to think the thoughts that you want, for just five minutes. You will create a pattern of choosing beneficial thoughts that would become commonplace and you will create a life that is truly reflective of those thoughts. You will become master of your own destiny. Will you settle for anything less?
What we feed our mind today - we harvest tomorrow!
By Philip Martin